Our first-grade subscription is a great way to teach your students about positive character while also tying these episodes into your social studies lesson plans! Below is our full first-grade episode list.
Bravery Episodes:
- Bravery & Terry Fox
- Bravery & Ruby Bridges
- Bravery & Simone Biles
- Acts of Bravery
Citizenship Episodes:
- Citizenship & Benjamin Franklin
- Citizenship & Roberto Clemente
Curiosity Episodes:
- Curiosity & Mae Jemison
- Curiosity & George Washington Carver
- Curiosity & Leonardo de Vinci
- Curiosity & Mars Rover Curiosity
Empathy Episodes:
- Empathy & Clara Barton
- Empathy & Bill and Melinda Gates
- Empathy & Jonas Salk
- Empathy & The Irwin Family
- Empathy & Nurses
Gratitude Episodes:
- Gratitude & Oprah Winfrey
- Gratitude & Veterans
Hope Episodes:
- Hope & Bob Marley
- Hope & Misty Copeland
Integrity Episodes:
- Integrity & Sonia Sotomayor
- Integrity & Rosa Parks
Kindness Episodes:
- Kindness & Mister Fred Rogers
- Kindness & Jane Goodall
- Kindness & Johnny Appleseed
- Kindness & Kate Middleton
- Acts of Kindness
Perseverance Episodes:
- Perseverance & Jim Thorpe
- Perseverance & Seabiscuit
- Perseverance & Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
- Perseverance & Michelle Kwan
Respect Episodes:
- Respect & Yo-Yo Ma
- Respect & Shirley Temple
Teamwork Episodes:
- Teamwork & Apollo 11
- Teamwork & Togo
- Teamwork & Service Dogs
- Teamwork & The Wright Brothers
How do I watch these episodes? Sign-up for a 30-day trial or purchase a subscription to view these episodes and to test out the supplemental resources.
Looking for more ways to teach positive character traits in the classroom? Check out our blog or subscribe to The Character Tree for educational videos and fun classroom activities!