The Character Tree Booth

Recently, we attended the National Forum in Washington D.C. It was gratifying to see how many people have embraced the need for positive character growth. We loved talking about The Character Tree and sharing how it can enhance students’ lives and give teachers’ a valuable tool.

If you have not already done so, look at what they are doing at

Best of all, there were other great vendors who may be able to help you as your own character tree grows! Keep reading to learn more about them. is an online store that offers character building gifts and tools for kids. It has, amongst other things, some cool character card packs.

Character First Education has books, curriculum, speakers and more, including some free resources to help educators and parents build future leaders with character!

KB Infinity Designs has motivational posters, magnets, books and more! These motivational posters would be a good edition to any classroom.

Mascot Junction’s model is to have your school mascot associated with core values and positive behaviors. Makes sense to us! You might also want to investigate their sensory path stickers.

Center for Character & Citizenship is out of the University of Missouri-St Louis and has some fantastic people who are very knowledgeable about identifying outcome goals and how to measure success.

What was our biggest takeaway from this experience? There are a lot of people and companies that are doing great things for the development of character education so educators do not always have to re-invent something that is already working.

Do you know of any other character based resources that we should share? Send us an email at to let us know.

-The Character Tree team

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