Sample Kindergarten Classroom Citizenship and Character Traits Education Video Episodes
Introduction to Kindergarten
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Every Kindergarten Character Education Videos Purchase Includes
Kindergarten Character Education Video Episodes List
These classroom citizenship episodes and printables are designed to help make the transition into kindergarten easier for teachers and students.

Our classroom citizenship episodes cover the following:
- Whole Body Listening
- Walking in Line
- Hand Raising
- Hand Washing
- Voice Levels
- Quality Work
- Good Manners
- Being a Friend
- Sharing
- Classroom Tidiness
- Calm Down Strategies
- Solving Disagreements
Kindergarten Character Trait Episodes

- Empathy! – The perfect introduction to empathy.
- Empathy at School
- Empathy in the Community
- Empathy & Ryan Hreljac

- Perseverance! – The perfect introduction to perseverance.
- Perseverance at School
- Perseverance in the Community
- Perseverance & Amy Bockerstette

- Honesty! – The perfect introduction to honesty.
- Honesty at School
- Honesty in the Community
- Honesty & Foster Dudley

- Respect! – The perfect introduction to respect.
- Respect at School
- Respect in the Community
- Respect & Cassandra Lin

- Kindness! – This is the perfect introductory to kindness.
- Kindness at School
- Kindness in the Community
- Kindness & Jahkil Jackson

- Teamwork! – The perfect introduction to teamwork.
- Teamwork at School
- Teamwork in the Community
- Teamwork with Paul & Rebel
What is included in addition to the character education videos? Check out these examples:

Anchor Charts:
Provide students with a visual reminder of each classroom citizenship topic. Simply print and cut pages in half. We recommend introducing each chart piece as you place it onto your anchor chart.

Song Sets:
Each classroom citizenship episode features an original song. As you may know, utilizing music in classrooms positively affects learning and enhances student engagement. Our printable song lyrics include a full color page that can be enlarged and used as a poster in your classroom, a student blackline page and the song as a printable book. The printable books are perfect for adding to your students book boxes, or for sending home as additional fluency practice!

Printable Books:
Reinforce each classroom citizenship concept and build reading fluency with emergent texts. Simply print double- sided, cut in half and staple.

Additional Activities:
Each additional activity provides students with opportunities for practicing cross-curricular skills such as counting and fine motor development.