April doesn’t only bring May flowers it’s also a month for celebrating National Poetry, Stress Awareness and much more! Scroll down to check out our list of April themes and how you can use The Character Tree to celebrate those themes with your students.
April Classroom Themes, Holidays, and Activities:
- National Poetry Month
- Stress Awareness Month
- World Autism Awareness Day
- World Health Day
- National Pet Day
- National Kindergarten Day
- Earth Day
- International Guide Dog Day
- National Arbor Day
- Honesty Day
American Red Cross Month
The International Red Cross was founded in 1863 to help protect life and to eliminate suffering. Clara Barton loved this idea and brought it to America. In 1881, she founded the American Red Cross. Since then, they have helped in over 3,000,000 disasters. It’s comforting to know that they’re there if we need them. Learn more about Clara in our 1st/2nd Grade Episode Clara Barton & Empathy!
National Poetry Month
April is an excellent month to share poetry with students and find fun rhymes that match the subjects you are discussing. The following free poetry resources make the perfect National Poetry Month and Earth Day activities. These resources are normally sold on Teachers Pay Teachers by The Character Tree’s own, Miss Sara! You can download them here: Earth Day Poetry Set, Habitat Poetry Set, Little Seed Poetry Set.
Stress Awareness Month
Stress affects every one of us. Help your students find some ways to cope with our free sample kindergarten episode Calm Down Strategies.
April 2nd is World Autism Awareness Day
Join Autism Speaks and the thousands of others who shine bright blue lights in honor of the millions around the world with autism.
April 7th is World Health Day!
This day’s message is simple, it’s dedicated to celebrating the work of nurses, midwives, and doctors. It also serves as a great reminder of the critical role they play in keeping local and the global community healthy. Watch our 1st/2nd grade episodes Empathy & Clara Barton, Empathy & Nurses and Empathy and Jonas Salk. Don’t have a subscription? Sign up! It is only $59 for a 365-day subscription!
April 11th is National Pet Day!
We love our pets here at The Character Tree. Learning about Empathy is a great way to honor them! We have four Empathy episodes in our kindergarten subscription and five in our 1st/2nd grade subscription.
April 21st is National Kindergarten Day!
This day honors Friedrich Wilhelm August Frobel whom credit is given for starting the very first Kindergarten in Germany in 1837. Celebrate with your Kindergarteners or ask older students what their favorite memory of kindergarten is!
April 22nd is Earth Day!
Our Empathy & The Irwin Family episode is a great Earth Day & character education activity. This would also be a good opportunity to teach the character trait of “respect” and what we can do to respect the planet. You can watch the Irwin Family episode and our respect episodes by signing up for a free trial!
April 27th is International Guide Dog Day!
This day is great for teaching kids about the importance of guide dogs and working together as a team. Our Teamwork & Service Dogs episode is the perfect activity. This episode features a real-life service dog in training from Canine Companions for Independence and some extra special bonus scenes. Sign-up or login to watch it!
April 29th is National Arbor Day!
Arbor Day is a holiday where we are encouraged to plant and care for trees. A great idea for your students is to plant a tree or learn about the environment. No trees to plant? That’s okay, you can still help your students grow their own character tree by watching Teamwork & Felix Finkbeiner. Felix is an inspiring young man who encourages the whole world to work together to plant a trillion trees to help save the planet.
April 30th is Honesty Day!
National Honesty Day challenges us to be truthful in all we do. This would be a perfect opportunity to share our kindergarten episodes about honesty and our 1st/2nd grade episodes about integrity with students to help them learn about the importance of being honest.
Try The Character Tree for free!
Looking for more ways to teach positive character traits in the classroom? Check out our blog or subscribe to The Character Tree for educational videos and fun classroom activities!