After months of virtual learning, students around the country are returning to the classroom. Some students have never even step foot in a classroom until now. To help make this transition easier for teachers and students, we created a classroom citizenship subscription bundle. We originally created these episodes and supplemental resources as part of our Kindergarten Subscription, with the intention of them being utilized at the beginning of the school year. But they are more relevant than ever right now and be used with students in K-2. If you’re currently subscribed to our kindergarten subscription, you already have access to these 12 episodes.
Our classroom citizenship episodes cover the following:
- Whole Body Listening
- Walking in Line
- Hand Raising
- Hand Washing
- Voice Levels
- Quality Work
- Good Manners
- Being a Friend
- Sharing
- Classroom Tidiness
- Calm Down Strategies
- Solving Disagreements
Click here to watch the Voice Levels episode!
What’s included in addition to the videos? Check out these examples:

Anchor Charts: Provide students with a visual reminder of each classroom citizenship topic. Simply print and cut pages in half. We recommend introducing each chart piece as you place it onto your anchor chart.

Song Sets: Each classroom citizenship episode features an original song. As you may know, utilizing music in classrooms positively affects learning and enhances student engagement. Our printable song lyrics include a full color page that can be enlarged and used as a poster in your classroom, a student blackline page and the song as a printable book. The printable books are perfect for adding to your students book boxes, or for sending home as additional fluency practice!

Printable Books: Reinforce each classroom citizenship concept and build reading fluency with emergent texts. Simply print double- sided, cut in half and staple.

Additional Activities: Each additional activity provides students with opportunities for practicing cross-curricular skills such as counting and fine motor development.
How do I access these citizenship resources?
You can purchase this Classroom Citizenship Subscription Bundle here. It’s currently marked down to $14.99 as part of our second semester discount! When you subscribe, you get unlimited access to all 12 episodes and supplemental resources until July 31, 2021.
Interested in character education and classroom citizenship content?
Check out our Kindergarten Subscription (currently 50% off). For only $14 more, you get access to these 12 citizenship episodes + 24 character education videos & supplemental resources until July 31, 2021.
Looking for more ways to teach positive character traits in the classroom? Check out our blog or subscribe to The Character Tree for educational videos and fun classroom activities!