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5 Picture Books to Teach Kindness in the Classroom

Kindness is one of the most important social emotional learning (SEL) skills to teach kids at a young age, so here is a list of 5 excellent picture books that you can use to do just that!

1. Each Kindness by Jacqueline Woodson

A new student, Maya, is shunned by her classmates because she’s poor. Chloe is as cruel to Maya as the rest of her classmates. When Chloe realizes how unkind she’s been, she wants to make it up to Maya, but has to deal with the fact that it may be too late. It’s a little bit heartbreaking but has an excellent message and absolutely stunning artwork. Definitely worth the read.

2. Be Kind by Pat Zietlow Miller

When a classmate spills grape juice on her dress, the narrator begins to wonder at the true meaning of kindness. Sometimes being kind is hard, and you say the wrong thing. Sometimes it’s simple and sometimes it’s messy. This endearing story explores all of the ways that little acts of kindness can help make the world a better place.

3. The Invisible Boy by Patrice Barton

Brian often blends into the background of the class and doesn’t have any friends, but when he chooses to be kind to a new student, that just may change. The art in this one is adorable, as is the story. Reading about Brian and his new friends teaches readers how a little bit of kindness goes a long way and makes life better for everyone involved.

4.The Big Umbrellaby Amy June Bates

The big umbrella is big enough to fit anyone who needs help under it. No matter how many people are sharing the umbrella, it can always fit more. This story teaches that there’s always room for love and be kind to one more person, no matter what the look like. Cute art and a sweet story.

5. The Smallest Girl in the Smallest Grade by Justin Roberts

This book tells the story of Sally, the smallest girl in the smallest grade. Sally often goes overlooked by classmates, but Sally is always watching. She sees when her classmates aren’t kind to each other and finally gets fed up enough to make a change. Sally’s kindness and her observations help make the school a better place.

Looking for more ways to teach positive character traits in the classroom? Check out our blog or subscribe to The Character Tree for educational videos and fun classroom activities!


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